Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sivananda Daily Reading for 17 October


Man is a soul and has a body. Man's true nature is God. You are pure
consciousness. Through ignorance you have imposed limitation upon
yourself. Reflect and abide in the absolute or Brahman.

Man's innermost essence is atman or the divine spirit. Realising the
spirit, man achieves security, certainty, perfection, freedom,
independence, immortality and bliss eternal. Man and his life become
the starting point and the end of philosophy. Man is of the nature of
his faith. What his faith is, that verily is what he is.

Physical body and intellect depend on the soul within about which man
knows little or nothing. Personality is the sum total of man. A man
of good personality has a number of good qualities. He behaves
quietly and politely. He has confidence in himself. He has the
capacity to win other people's cooperation. He has the capacity to
draw others towards himself. Hunger, libido and fame are the
fundamental urges in man. Unless man is liberated from the bondage of
the mind and matter he cannot have knowledge of the self and of God.

The head and the heart must be wedded -­ then alone there will be
perfection and integration in man. Faith, virtue, piety, dispassion
and honesty are the greatest treasures of man.

Every man must arise, purify, meditate, and declare freedom unto
himself. Man says, "When this (worldly activity) is over then I will
have time to do that (meditate)". But it is never done because
something new turns up all the time to distract him. The past cannot
be changed. The future is yet in your power. Truth is not outside
you, it is within you. It dwells in the cave of your heart.

You are a truth of God, a work of God, a will of God. You are
unfettered, free -­ eternally free. Roar Om. Come out of the cage of
flesh and roam about freely.

When the cause of illusion is pulled away by the roots, when
knowledge annihilates ignorance (without a possibility of a remnant
or reminiscence) -­ then there is not an ego, a body or world to be
experienced. When there is the cloud of ignorance you cannot see God,
but you cannot say that there is no God.




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