O beloved Ram! You are within a strong fortress now. A spiritual
fortress where no temptation can influence you. You are absolutely
safe. Now you can do vigorous sadhana (spiritual practice) without
fear. Kill the foe the mind. Wear the spiritual laurels of peace,
equalvision and contentment.
You are already shining with Brahmic bliss. The all-merciful Lord has
given you all sorts of comforts, good health and a guru to guide you.
What more do you want? Grow. Evolve. Realise the truth and proclaim
it everywhere.
Be silent. Know thyself. Know that. Melt the mind in that. Truth is
quite clear and simple. Solitude and intense meditation are two
important requisites for selfrealisation. If sadhana is interrupted,
make up the deficiency later.
Practise self-restraint at all times because, all of a sudden, the
senses may suddenly become turbulent. This is why Krishna says: "O
son of Kunti, the excited senses of even a wise man, though he be
striving, impetuously carry away his mind."
The wandering habit of the mind must be controlled by making it stick
to one place, by one method of sadhana, by one guru and by one form
of yoga. A rolling stone gathers no moss. When you take up a book for
study, you must finish it before you take up another one. When you
take up any work, you must devote your whole-hearted attention
towards it and finish it before you take up any other work.
Do not cause pain or suffering to any living being, whether through
greed, selfishness, irritability or annoyance. Give up anger and ill
will. Give up the spirit of fighting and heated debates. Do not
argue. If you quarrel with somebody you cannot meditate for three or
four days, because your balance of mind is upset. Thus much energy is
wasted in useless channels. Also the blood becomes hot; the nerves
are shattered. Keep a serene mind always. Meditation proceeds from a
serene mind.
An aspirant must be sensitive and yet possess a body and nerves
completely under control. The greater the sensitivity becomes, the
more difficult the task. Noises which pass unnoticed by an ordinary
person are torture to one who is very sensitive. Develop the inner
power of the self. Centralisation of ideas will stop the outgoing
habit of the mind.
fortress where no temptation can influence you. You are absolutely
safe. Now you can do vigorous sadhana (spiritual practice) without
fear. Kill the foe the mind. Wear the spiritual laurels of peace,
equalvision and contentment.
You are already shining with Brahmic bliss. The all-merciful Lord has
given you all sorts of comforts, good health and a guru to guide you.
What more do you want? Grow. Evolve. Realise the truth and proclaim
it everywhere.
Be silent. Know thyself. Know that. Melt the mind in that. Truth is
quite clear and simple. Solitude and intense meditation are two
important requisites for selfrealisation. If sadhana is interrupted,
make up the deficiency later.
Practise self-restraint at all times because, all of a sudden, the
senses may suddenly become turbulent. This is why Krishna says: "O
son of Kunti, the excited senses of even a wise man, though he be
striving, impetuously carry away his mind."
The wandering habit of the mind must be controlled by making it stick
to one place, by one method of sadhana, by one guru and by one form
of yoga. A rolling stone gathers no moss. When you take up a book for
study, you must finish it before you take up another one. When you
take up any work, you must devote your whole-hearted attention
towards it and finish it before you take up any other work.
Do not cause pain or suffering to any living being, whether through
greed, selfishness, irritability or annoyance. Give up anger and ill
will. Give up the spirit of fighting and heated debates. Do not
argue. If you quarrel with somebody you cannot meditate for three or
four days, because your balance of mind is upset. Thus much energy is
wasted in useless channels. Also the blood becomes hot; the nerves
are shattered. Keep a serene mind always. Meditation proceeds from a
serene mind.
An aspirant must be sensitive and yet possess a body and nerves
completely under control. The greater the sensitivity becomes, the
more difficult the task. Noises which pass unnoticed by an ordinary
person are torture to one who is very sensitive. Develop the inner
power of the self. Centralisation of ideas will stop the outgoing
habit of the mind.
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