Sivananda Daily Reading for 24 October
There is no duality in reality. All modification is illusory;
multiplicity is an illusion.
Maya (the illusory power of the Lord) projects multiplicity. Maya
creates division - division between the individual soul and the
supreme soul.
Maya is a tremendous, delusive power of God. Maya is the material
stuff of this world. Maya is the source of the physical universe.
This world of names and forms is a false show kept up by the jugglery
of maya. Just as a stick burning at one end, when waved round
quickly, produces an illusion of a circle of fire, so is it with the
multiplicity of the world. Maya deludes us. Maya creates havoc in the
mind. The things that we perceive all round us are only mind in form
or substance. The world is a product of the mind. The whole world is
an expansion of the mind. The entire universe arises and exists in
the mind. Nothing of the world is outside the mind. Earth, mountains
and rivers - all are fragments of the mind, appearing as it were, to
exist outside. The world does not exist by itself. It is not seen
without the aid of the mind. It disappears when the mind ceases to
function, as in deep sleep.
It is imagination alone that assumes the forms of time, space and
motion. Space and time have no independent status apart from Brahman
or the self, which is pure awareness. There is no space without time,
and there is no time without space. Space and time go together. Space
and time are interdependent. They are both unreal. Time and space are
mental projections, as unreal as dreams. However real they may seem
to be, they are not ultimately real. Timeless, spaceless Brahman is
the only reality.
Brahman alone is. It is Brahman alone that shines as the world of
variegated objects, like water differentiated by the waves into many
kinds of foam, bubbles, etc. Brahman appears as the world when
cognised through the mind and the senses.
Maya conceals the truth and presents an error - it veils the reality
and shows the world. Mistaking the body for atman or the self is
called maya. Maya screens the knowledge of atman and therefore man
mistakes one for the other. This is the cause of bondage - we have
the erroneous consciousness that we are objective beings, that our
actions are objective expressions projected in time and space.
There is no duality in reality. All modification is illusory;
multiplicity is an illusion.
Maya (the illusory power of the Lord) projects multiplicity. Maya
creates division - division between the individual soul and the
supreme soul.
Maya is a tremendous, delusive power of God. Maya is the material
stuff of this world. Maya is the source of the physical universe.
This world of names and forms is a false show kept up by the jugglery
of maya. Just as a stick burning at one end, when waved round
quickly, produces an illusion of a circle of fire, so is it with the
multiplicity of the world. Maya deludes us. Maya creates havoc in the
mind. The things that we perceive all round us are only mind in form
or substance. The world is a product of the mind. The whole world is
an expansion of the mind. The entire universe arises and exists in
the mind. Nothing of the world is outside the mind. Earth, mountains
and rivers - all are fragments of the mind, appearing as it were, to
exist outside. The world does not exist by itself. It is not seen
without the aid of the mind. It disappears when the mind ceases to
function, as in deep sleep.
It is imagination alone that assumes the forms of time, space and
motion. Space and time have no independent status apart from Brahman
or the self, which is pure awareness. There is no space without time,
and there is no time without space. Space and time go together. Space
and time are interdependent. They are both unreal. Time and space are
mental projections, as unreal as dreams. However real they may seem
to be, they are not ultimately real. Timeless, spaceless Brahman is
the only reality.
Brahman alone is. It is Brahman alone that shines as the world of
variegated objects, like water differentiated by the waves into many
kinds of foam, bubbles, etc. Brahman appears as the world when
cognised through the mind and the senses.
Maya conceals the truth and presents an error - it veils the reality
and shows the world. Mistaking the body for atman or the self is
called maya. Maya screens the knowledge of atman and therefore man
mistakes one for the other. This is the cause of bondage - we have
the erroneous consciousness that we are objective beings, that our
actions are objective expressions projected in time and space.
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